Wednesday, 9 July 2014


After over a week of serious pre-release hype on twitter, star R n B singer, Softty is back with a fabulous rhythm and blues piece titled BUBBLES & SHUFFLES. If you listened to his last single LOVE STORY, you will know that we do not need another R Kelly or Usher as Softty is set to feed us with lovelyromantic  tunes that will make ladies go gaga. For the guys, its highly recommended you keep track of Softty's singles as they can put your lady in the mood anytime, anyday. Download his latest single BUBBLES & SHUFFLES and enjoy!



  1. wow! i like this new kid..

  2. this is so dope,Alex O SOUND,who is this guy?were did he come from? he is dope

  3. Truth be told, this is not it at all... Almost every line was cut from another song and then to make it worse, 3verses!!!! The rhythm is messed up... Its like a mix of wine and kunu...the effort is applauded but terrible work needs to be done on both style, voice melody and lyrics

  4. Ok i normally don't do this but i just have to... You know those nasty headches you get that come with a nauseating feelin? Like you ate rocks mixed with rotten fruit? That's what this is. Not only was it disrespectful to compare him to Kells and Usher but it was a blatant lie saying this guy can feed us with romantic tunes. Quite the opposite would be the case. Kindly work on your lyrics, delivery and rhythm, also dump your producer, like wise your friends, coz they either want you to mess up or they just don't know anything abt good music. Bottom line, this track never should have left the mind of whoever concieved it.
