Saturday, 14 June 2014

“I Won’t Be Silent”! Weird MC Sets the Record Straight

Weird MC - June 2014 -
Step back haters, Weird MC is all natural.
The Nigerian musician took to her official Twitter account minutes ago to speak out on reports that her high energy on stage is because she uses enhancement including drugs.
Weird MC says she has had it with rumours about herself over the years.

Twitter Post
How Stupid How Ignorant so if you are A female Artiste and you burn mad energy on stage you are on drugs? Wake up ppl
My silence over the years about certain things is turning out to be a disadvantage time to set the record straight.
My silence has allowed certain things to prevail and My God will fight for me. I am also ready to fight for myself.
My true fans are not stupid you can’t sell them certain things.
I’m energetic by nature when I perform on stage I’m highly energetic don’t fault my God given gift. Stop the sabotage enough is enough.
The Weird MC Brand is an energetic brand deal with it. It’s my gift we are all special beings with God’s Blessing.
When you don’t understand let it be the sky is wide enough the ocean is deep enough. You don’t need to run another artiste down to grow.
I respect any artiste what we do is serious Hardwork so wn u go out of ur way to “Tag” Another Artiste in da name of Ambition u won’t grow
I won’t be silent anymore about certain things people deserve to know certain things. Enough of the sabotage.
It is indeed true Enu Aiye le bo ppl have taken my silent and shy nature for granted. Silence is not so golden sometimes.
It hurts me so deeply that some people are still so ignorant I can’t help it I’m an energetic performer deal with it.
We must stop allowing Negativity to thrive in this industry I repeat I’m an energetic performer and I love what I do I aim to please.
God gave me the Gift of Energy it’s not my fault don’t turn my Energy to “Drugs” Enough is Enough stop the sabotage. Karma is a b***h
By trying 2 block my opportunities n setting da tone for continuous sabotage all because of perceived competition karma must surely visit u

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